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1. 130-Adenovirus Methods and Protocols, Second Edition, Volume 1
2. 132-Single Cell Diagnostics
3. 382- Microarray Volume II, Applications and Data Analysis, Second Edition
4. 415-Innate Immunity
5. 422-Two-Component Signaling Systems, Part A
6. 423-Two-Component Signaling Systems, Part B
7. 429-Translation Initiation Extract Systems and Molecular Genetics
8. 430-Translation Initiation Reconstituted Systems and Biophysical Methods
9. 431-Translation Initiation Cell Biology, High-Throughput Methods, and Chemical-Based Approaches
10. 433-Lipidomics and Bioactive Lipids Specialized Analytical Methods and Lipids in Disease
11. 2002 Vol.40 Issues 1 High-Resolution CT of the Lung II
12. A Practical Guide to Human Cancer Genetics 3e
13. ABC of ENT - 5th ed
14. Acquired Brain Injury
15. Active Processes and Otoacoustic Emissions in Hearing
16. Acute Medicine - A Handbook for Nurse Practitioners
17. Advanced Clinical Skills for GU Nurses
18. Advances and Technical Standards in Neurosurgery
19. Advances in Breast Cancer Management, 2nd ed
20. Advances in Genetics, Volume 52
21. Advances in Genetics, Volume 55
22. Advances in Genetics, Volume 58
23. Advances in Renal Imaging 2003
24. ASD Molecular Diagnosis of Cancer
25. Assessment of Feigned Cognitive Impairment - A Neuropsychological Perspective
26. A-Z Essentials Rheumatology & Immunology Therapy
27. Baby Boomers and Hearing Loss
28. Cancer and Pregnancy
29. Cancer of The Lung - From Molecular Biology to Treatment Guidelines
30. Cardiac Nursing, 4th Edition
31. Cardiac Rehabilitation 1st ed.2007
32. Caring for People in Pain
33. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome - Springer 2007
34. Casebook of Orthopedic Rehabilitation 1st ed.2008
35. Cell Penetrating Peptides - Processes and Applications
36. Chemical Warfare Agents
37. Chemical Warfare Agents - Toxicology and Treatment
38. Clinical Applications of Artificial Neural Networks
39. Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology in the Young
40. Clinical Decisions in Pediatric Nephrology 1st ed.2008
41. Colorectal Cancer
42. Computational Method in Biomedical Research
43. Concepts of Epidemiology
44. Contemporary Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology
45. Crisis Management in Acute Care Settings
46. Current Topics in Developmental Biology, Volume 76
47. Current Topics in Developmental Biology, Volume 78
48. Current Topics in Developmental Biology, Volume 79
49. Current Topics in Developmental Biology, Volume 80
50. Davis’s Comprehensive Laboratory and Diagnostic Test Handbook with Nursing Implications
51. Deadly Companions - How Mircobes Shaped Our History
52. Devices for Cardiac Resynchronization - Technologic and Clinical Aspects
53. Diseases of the Pancreas - Current Surgical Therapy
54. Drugs Compromising Male Sexual Health, 2008
55. Essential Cardiology
56. Essential Clinical Anatomy, 3rd Edition
57. Essentials of Autopsy Practice
58. Ethical Issues in Cancer Patient Care, Second edition, 2008
59. Ethics and Evidence-Based Medicine
60. Exposure Criteria for Medical Diagnostic Ultrasound - II. Criteria Based on all Known Mechanisms
61. Forensic Medicine of the Lower Extremity
62. From Signals to Colours-A Case-based Atlas of Electroanatomic Mapping in Complex Atrial arrhythmias
63. Fundamentals of Nuclear Medicine Dosimetry
64. Fundamentals of Nursing
66. GALEN On the Properties of Foodstuffs
67. Gene Therapy of Cancer
68. Genomics in Endocrinology - DNA Microarray Analysis in Endocrine Health and Disease, 2008
69. Handbook of Drugs for Tropical Parasitic Infections, 2nd Ed
70. Handbook of Drugs in Intensive Care
71. Handbook Of Pediatric Transfusion Medicine
72. Hepatitis C Virus Disease - Immunobiology and Clinical Applications
73. History and Health Policy in The United States
74. HIV-1 - Molecular Biology and Pathogenesis
75. Holistic Nursing - A Handbook for Practice 4th ed
76. Hormonal Control of Cell Cycle, 2008
77. How to Improve the Results of PNS
78. Human Antibody Therapeutics for Viral Disease
80. Innate and Adaptive Immunity in the Tumor Microenvironment
81. Introductory Medical Statistics 3rd edition
82. Justice in Oral Health Care
83. Kazarian Handbook of Cultural Health Psychology
84. Lippincott Manual of Nursing Practice, 8th Edition
85. Liver and Biliary Tract Surgery
86. Living with Cancer - A Practical Guide
87. Lung Volume Reduction Surgery for Emphysema
88. Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Stroke
89. Management of Ectopic Pregnancy
90. Maternal Mortality in 2000
91. Mechanisms of Angiogenesis
92. Medical Terminology for the Practicing Nurse
93. Medicine Before Science - The Business of Medicine from the Middle Ages to the Enlightenment
94. molecular biology in cellular pathology
95. Monoclonal Antibodies Methods & Protocols
96. Multiscale Modeling of Developmental Systems, Volume 81
97. Neuroacanthocytosis Syndromes II
98. Neuroanatomical Tract-Tracing3 - Molecules, Neurons, and System
99. Neuromuscular Junction Disorders - Diagnosis and Treatment
100. Neuro-Ophthalmology - Neuronal Control of Eye Movements
101. Neville, Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology, 2nd Ed
102. Nonviral Vectors for Gene Therapy, Part 1
103. Nonviral Vectors for Gene Therapy, Part 2, Volume 54
104. Nursing Aide - Assistant Exam 2e
105. Nursing Theories and Nursing Practice
106. Nutrition and Gastrointestinal Disease, 2008
107. Obstetrics in Family Medicine - A Practical Guide 2006
108. Optimizing Healing of the Acute Wound minimizing complications
109. OSTEOIMMUNOLOGY - Interactions of ithe Immune and Skeletal Systems
110. Oxidation - The Cornerstone of Carcinogenesis, 2008
111. Pediatric Fitness - Secular Trends and Geographic Variability
112. Percutaneous Laser Disc Decompression
113. Pharmacotherapy of Obesity
115. Pitfalls in the Evaluation and Management of the trauma patient - Current problems surgery 2007
116. Practical Algorithms in Pediatric Hematology and Oncology
117. Primer on Cerebrovascular Diseases
118. Programmed Cell Death in Cancer Progression and Therapy
119. Psych Notes - Clinical Pocket Guide 2nd ed
120. Psychoeducation Manual for Bipolar Disorder
121. Retrotransposition, Diversity and the Brain
122. Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology
123. Rheumatology Nursing - A Creative Approach 2nd edition
124. Science and Technology in Medicine
125. Self-regulation in Health Behavior
126. Simplified Facial Rejuvenation
127. Stress, Coping, and Development An Integrative Perspective - 2nd ed
128. Surgical Techniques in Total Knee Arthroplasty
129. Taiwanese Native Medicinal Plants - Phytopharmacology and Therapeutic Values
130. Targeted Therapies in Cancer - Myth or Reality
131. Telesurgery - Springer 2008
132. Telomeres and Telomerase in Ageing, Disease, and Cancer
133. Textbook of Hallux Valgus and Forefoot Surgery
134. The Anabolic Solution - Mauro Pasquale
135. The Auditory System in Sleep
136. The Bluebook - Guidelines for the control of infectious diseases
137. The Epidemiology of Schizophrenia
138. The Human Brain During the Third Trimester-Volume 3
139. The Immune Synapse as a Novel Target for Therapy
140. The Metabolic Syndrome in Clinical Practice
141. The Neuropsychiatry of Epilepsy
142. The Paraoxonases - Their Role in Disease Development and Xenobiotic Metabolism
143. The Puzzle of Orofacial Pain
144. The Self in Neuroscience and Psychiatry
145. The Treatment of Anxiety Disorders - Clinician Guides and Patient Manuals
146. Toll-Like Receptors (TLRs) and Innate Immunity
147. Urogynecology- Evidence-Based Clinical Practice
148. Urological Cancers
149. Urological Tests in Clinical Practice, 2007
150. Varney's - Midwifery
151. Vascular Surgery
152. When You're Expecting Twins, Triplets or Quads
153. WHO Child Growth Standards
154. ATI Maternal-Newborn
155. Atlas of The Urologic Clinics
156. current protocols in human genetics
157. current protocols in neuroscience
158. Maternal-Newborn Nursing
159. Operative Technique in General Surgery 2004 - 2007
160. spss
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2. 132-Single Cell Diagnostics
3. 382- Microarray Volume II, Applications and Data Analysis, Second Edition
4. 415-Innate Immunity
5. 422-Two-Component Signaling Systems, Part A
6. 423-Two-Component Signaling Systems, Part B
7. 429-Translation Initiation Extract Systems and Molecular Genetics
8. 430-Translation Initiation Reconstituted Systems and Biophysical Methods
9. 431-Translation Initiation Cell Biology, High-Throughput Methods, and Chemical-Based Approaches
10. 433-Lipidomics and Bioactive Lipids Specialized Analytical Methods and Lipids in Disease
11. 2002 Vol.40 Issues 1 High-Resolution CT of the Lung II
12. A Practical Guide to Human Cancer Genetics 3e
13. ABC of ENT - 5th ed
14. Acquired Brain Injury
15. Active Processes and Otoacoustic Emissions in Hearing
16. Acute Medicine - A Handbook for Nurse Practitioners
17. Advanced Clinical Skills for GU Nurses
18. Advances and Technical Standards in Neurosurgery
19. Advances in Breast Cancer Management, 2nd ed
20. Advances in Genetics, Volume 52
21. Advances in Genetics, Volume 55
22. Advances in Genetics, Volume 58
23. Advances in Renal Imaging 2003
24. ASD Molecular Diagnosis of Cancer
25. Assessment of Feigned Cognitive Impairment - A Neuropsychological Perspective
26. A-Z Essentials Rheumatology & Immunology Therapy
27. Baby Boomers and Hearing Loss
28. Cancer and Pregnancy
29. Cancer of The Lung - From Molecular Biology to Treatment Guidelines
30. Cardiac Nursing, 4th Edition
31. Cardiac Rehabilitation 1st ed.2007
32. Caring for People in Pain
33. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome - Springer 2007
34. Casebook of Orthopedic Rehabilitation 1st ed.2008
35. Cell Penetrating Peptides - Processes and Applications
36. Chemical Warfare Agents
37. Chemical Warfare Agents - Toxicology and Treatment
38. Clinical Applications of Artificial Neural Networks
39. Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology in the Young
40. Clinical Decisions in Pediatric Nephrology 1st ed.2008
41. Colorectal Cancer
42. Computational Method in Biomedical Research
43. Concepts of Epidemiology
44. Contemporary Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology
45. Crisis Management in Acute Care Settings
46. Current Topics in Developmental Biology, Volume 76
47. Current Topics in Developmental Biology, Volume 78
48. Current Topics in Developmental Biology, Volume 79
49. Current Topics in Developmental Biology, Volume 80
50. Davis’s Comprehensive Laboratory and Diagnostic Test Handbook with Nursing Implications
51. Deadly Companions - How Mircobes Shaped Our History
52. Devices for Cardiac Resynchronization - Technologic and Clinical Aspects
53. Diseases of the Pancreas - Current Surgical Therapy
54. Drugs Compromising Male Sexual Health, 2008
55. Essential Cardiology
56. Essential Clinical Anatomy, 3rd Edition
57. Essentials of Autopsy Practice
58. Ethical Issues in Cancer Patient Care, Second edition, 2008
59. Ethics and Evidence-Based Medicine
60. Exposure Criteria for Medical Diagnostic Ultrasound - II. Criteria Based on all Known Mechanisms
61. Forensic Medicine of the Lower Extremity
62. From Signals to Colours-A Case-based Atlas of Electroanatomic Mapping in Complex Atrial arrhythmias
63. Fundamentals of Nuclear Medicine Dosimetry
64. Fundamentals of Nursing
66. GALEN On the Properties of Foodstuffs
67. Gene Therapy of Cancer
68. Genomics in Endocrinology - DNA Microarray Analysis in Endocrine Health and Disease, 2008
69. Handbook of Drugs for Tropical Parasitic Infections, 2nd Ed
70. Handbook of Drugs in Intensive Care
71. Handbook Of Pediatric Transfusion Medicine
72. Hepatitis C Virus Disease - Immunobiology and Clinical Applications
73. History and Health Policy in The United States
74. HIV-1 - Molecular Biology and Pathogenesis
75. Holistic Nursing - A Handbook for Practice 4th ed
76. Hormonal Control of Cell Cycle, 2008
77. How to Improve the Results of PNS
78. Human Antibody Therapeutics for Viral Disease
80. Innate and Adaptive Immunity in the Tumor Microenvironment
81. Introductory Medical Statistics 3rd edition
82. Justice in Oral Health Care
83. Kazarian Handbook of Cultural Health Psychology
84. Lippincott Manual of Nursing Practice, 8th Edition
85. Liver and Biliary Tract Surgery
86. Living with Cancer - A Practical Guide
87. Lung Volume Reduction Surgery for Emphysema
88. Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Stroke
89. Management of Ectopic Pregnancy
90. Maternal Mortality in 2000
91. Mechanisms of Angiogenesis
92. Medical Terminology for the Practicing Nurse
93. Medicine Before Science - The Business of Medicine from the Middle Ages to the Enlightenment
94. molecular biology in cellular pathology
95. Monoclonal Antibodies Methods & Protocols
96. Multiscale Modeling of Developmental Systems, Volume 81
97. Neuroacanthocytosis Syndromes II
98. Neuroanatomical Tract-Tracing3 - Molecules, Neurons, and System
99. Neuromuscular Junction Disorders - Diagnosis and Treatment
100. Neuro-Ophthalmology - Neuronal Control of Eye Movements
101. Neville, Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology, 2nd Ed
102. Nonviral Vectors for Gene Therapy, Part 1
103. Nonviral Vectors for Gene Therapy, Part 2, Volume 54
104. Nursing Aide - Assistant Exam 2e
105. Nursing Theories and Nursing Practice
106. Nutrition and Gastrointestinal Disease, 2008
107. Obstetrics in Family Medicine - A Practical Guide 2006
108. Optimizing Healing of the Acute Wound minimizing complications
109. OSTEOIMMUNOLOGY - Interactions of ithe Immune and Skeletal Systems
110. Oxidation - The Cornerstone of Carcinogenesis, 2008
111. Pediatric Fitness - Secular Trends and Geographic Variability
112. Percutaneous Laser Disc Decompression
113. Pharmacotherapy of Obesity
115. Pitfalls in the Evaluation and Management of the trauma patient - Current problems surgery 2007
116. Practical Algorithms in Pediatric Hematology and Oncology
117. Primer on Cerebrovascular Diseases
118. Programmed Cell Death in Cancer Progression and Therapy
119. Psych Notes - Clinical Pocket Guide 2nd ed
120. Psychoeducation Manual for Bipolar Disorder
121. Retrotransposition, Diversity and the Brain
122. Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology
123. Rheumatology Nursing - A Creative Approach 2nd edition
124. Science and Technology in Medicine
125. Self-regulation in Health Behavior
126. Simplified Facial Rejuvenation
127. Stress, Coping, and Development An Integrative Perspective - 2nd ed
128. Surgical Techniques in Total Knee Arthroplasty
129. Taiwanese Native Medicinal Plants - Phytopharmacology and Therapeutic Values
130. Targeted Therapies in Cancer - Myth or Reality
131. Telesurgery - Springer 2008
132. Telomeres and Telomerase in Ageing, Disease, and Cancer
133. Textbook of Hallux Valgus and Forefoot Surgery
134. The Anabolic Solution - Mauro Pasquale
135. The Auditory System in Sleep
136. The Bluebook - Guidelines for the control of infectious diseases
137. The Epidemiology of Schizophrenia
138. The Human Brain During the Third Trimester-Volume 3
139. The Immune Synapse as a Novel Target for Therapy
140. The Metabolic Syndrome in Clinical Practice
141. The Neuropsychiatry of Epilepsy
142. The Paraoxonases - Their Role in Disease Development and Xenobiotic Metabolism
143. The Puzzle of Orofacial Pain
144. The Self in Neuroscience and Psychiatry
145. The Treatment of Anxiety Disorders - Clinician Guides and Patient Manuals
146. Toll-Like Receptors (TLRs) and Innate Immunity
147. Urogynecology- Evidence-Based Clinical Practice
148. Urological Cancers
149. Urological Tests in Clinical Practice, 2007
150. Varney's - Midwifery
151. Vascular Surgery
152. When You're Expecting Twins, Triplets or Quads
153. WHO Child Growth Standards
154. ATI Maternal-Newborn
155. Atlas of The Urologic Clinics
156. current protocols in human genetics
157. current protocols in neuroscience
158. Maternal-Newborn Nursing
159. Operative Technique in General Surgery 2004 - 2007
160. spss
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